Monday, July 13, 2009

Eyes of the Refugee

This was a Last minute assignment I was given on Saturday. I think it has real promise on being a serious project. Reminds me of Beth Schlankers project on Iraqi immigrants. As always fair and balanced is the name of the game. For me I was torn by their interviews, promised a better life, their shack in a Bhutanese refugee camp gave them far more security then a dire economy in an English speaking world. Granted their opportunities are far greater but so is their risk. Many wish they could be back home in Nepal or even back to the camps in Bhutan. I truly asked myself what I would want and I can understand their boggle. Trying to maintain a monthly rent with no work and competing for jobs with English speaking people or hell, even Spanish speaking people is a lofty task. I asked myself what I would do and honestly I don't have an honest answer for myself. What would you do?


Nick@Nite said...

I really like the symbolism of that photo of the guy looking back, almost like he's looking to return to Bhutan. It fits the story perfectly.

Drew Nash said...

Thanks Nick. Means a lot to hear the feeback.

Fly on the Wall said...

great portraits.

Djamila Grossman said...

hey! you've been shooting off your bumbums lately, haven't you? love the photos and good to talk to you the other day...

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